A CANNABIS factory with a total of around 600 plants was dismantled by police in the last week.

Newport officers conducted a warrant at a property in Prince Street, Newport.

On entry, they discovered a cannabis factory of around 600 plants.

The factory was dismantled, and the plants destroyed.

A spokesperson for Gwent Police said: “We often hear the phrase ‘victimless crime’ being used to describe the production and use of cannabis.

“Unfortunately, it is not.

“Organised crime is often behind cannabis production with criminals protecting their factories using violence and intimidation.

“Whatever your opinion on cannabis may be – the serious organised crime and trafficking which can be linked to it causes real harm across the UK and only funds further criminality.”

If you’re aware of any buildings that could be cannabis factories, you can report it to the police on their website, send a DM on social media or call 101, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

To learn more on how to spot the signs of a cannabis factory, visit the Crime Stoppers website here. 

 A cannabis factory of around 600 plants was dismantled at a property in Newport last week.  Read More  


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