COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – City council approved an ordinance that limits where recreational marijuana shops could open and operate.

The ordinance came just weeks before the November election when Colorado Springs voters will have the opportunity to decide on two different marijuana-related ballot measures.

If question 2-D passes, the city charter would be amended to ban retail marijuana businesses within Colorado Springs city limits. Question 300 would allow existing medical marijuana shops to apply to sell recreational marijuana.

The new ordinance said recreational marijuana stores would have to be located at least one mile away from any school, residential childcare facility or drug or alcohol treatment facility.

This map shows where recreational marijuana would not be allowed to be sold. Recreational marijuana would not be allowed to be sold anywhere within the blue circles. This would mean most of the city would still be banned from recreational marijuana sells under the ordinance.

A photo shows where in the city marijuana would not be allowed to be sold.(Colorado Springs City Council)

Currently, recreational marijuana is not allowed within city limits but medical marijuana is allowed.

 City council approved an ordinance that limits where recreational marijuana shops could open and operate.  Read More  


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