LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) — A Lancaster County judge on Friday tossed out two claims against the medical marijuana ballot initiatives in Nebraska.

But District Court Judge Susan Strong allowed two other challenges to proceed for now.

SEE ALSO: Nebraska secretary of state certifies medical marijuana ballot initiatives

A lawsuit filed against the petition organizers raises several objections to the initiatives being placed on the ballot.

One was that the sworn statement by the petition sponsors was invalid because former State Sen. Anna Wishart did not list her city, state or ZIP code.

But Strong rejected that argument, saying that Wishart did include her street address, which is all that is required by law.

The judge noted that the form has only one line for a street address.

SEE ALSO: Nebraska AG: Investigators find fraudulent signatures on medical marijuana petitions

The lawsuit also claimed that one of the initiatives violates a rule in the Nebraska Constitution that ballot initiatives can only address one subject.

One of the petitions would make penalties against marijuana void if it was being used for medical purposes and also establish a commission to regulate medical marijuana.

Strong said that does not violate the single-subject rule because both components have one purpose: “to allow private entities to manufacture and sell marijuana for medical purposes.”

SEE ALSO: Nebraska Supreme Court rejects challenges to dueling abortion petitions

The lawsuit’s other two arguments challenge the signatures on the petition.

The suit says that at least 2,433 signers are not registered voters and that another 48 didn’t register until after the petition was due to be filed.

It also says Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen failed to remove 67 duplicate signatures.

The judge overruled a motion to dismiss those counts.

SEE ALSO: Nebraskans will vote on medical marijuana initiatives, referendum on school choice bill

Categories: Election News, Nebraska News, News

Tags: Anna Wishart, ballot initiative, ballot initiatives, Bob Evnen, cannabis, challenges, claims, dismissed, judge, Lancaster County, Lawsuit, Marijuana, medical cannabis, medical marijauna, nebraska constitution, petition signatures, petitions, secretary of state, Signatures, single-subject, single-subject rule, susan strong

 A lawsuit filed against the petition organizers raises several objections to the initiatives being placed on the ballot.  Read More  


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