Covington enacted additional regulations and fee structures on medical cannabis businesses this week.
The city commission voted to allow medical cannabis businesses in certain zones in August. The new ordinance, passed on Tuesday, establishes the following additional regulations on medical cannabis businesses:
Businesses will need to apply for a city license in addition to the license given by the state. The city’s legal department will be in charge of approving and denying applications.
City license fees for all medical cannabis facility types will be $500 per year
Failure to obtain a proper city license while continuing to operate a business will be subject to a $1,000 per day fine until the license is obtained
Businesses whose licenses are revoked can appeal to the city’s legal department and go through a public hearing procedure where they can plead their case
Businesses must establish proper security protocols, such as 24-hour surveillance, signage, proper securing of products and on-site security personnel, among other measures
Read the full text of the ordinance below.
“}]] Covington establishes new regulations and fees for medical cannabis businesses, including city license, annual fees and fines for non-compliance. Read More