
Jasmine Wilson, of no fixed abode, attended the IW Magistrates’ Court on Friday, January 17.

The 27-year-old pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled drug of Class B, namely cannabis.

Prosecutor Lauren McConnell said a police warrant was executed at Wilson’s father’s address on Landguard Road in Shanklin on August 5 last year.

During the search, officers discovered 38.45g of cannabis hidden inside a bin, which Wilson claimed to police that her father was not aware of.

Ms McConnell told magistrates Wilson, who has 11 convictions for 15 offences, left the cannabis at his house in May, hiding it in a bin her father does not use.

Wilson’s last drug conviction was in 2014 when she was a youth, and she was an avid smoker who used to buy cannabis for personal use once a week, Ms McConnell said.

Jim Osborne, defending, said his client is a pregnant mother-of-five who had been living on the streets with her partner but is currently residing in emergency accommodation.

Magistrates handed Wilson a £120 fine and ordering her to pay £85 in court costs and a £48 surcharge.

“}]] An Isle of Wight woman hid cannabis in her father’s bin, unbeknown to him until a police drug search at his home.  Read More  

