Minority Entrepreneur Day, observed each year on Jan. 29, provides an important opportunity to reflect on the progress and challenges faced by business owners from underrepresented communities.
This year, Massachusetts cannabis entrepreneurs have much to celebrate, as the state has made significant strides toward addressing the complexities of the cannabis industry and ensuring equity within it. As the founder of Best Dirty Lemonade, a cannabis-infused beverage line, I’ve seen firsthand how effective policy and leadership can make a meaningful impact on small businesses like mine. I owe much of my success to both the supportive regulatory environment in Massachusetts and the commitment of industry leaders who are dedicated to fostering inclusivity and growth.
I founded Best Dirty Lemonade after witnessing how cannabis could bring relief to my family. When my mother was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s, I created a cannabis-infused drink to help alleviate her symptoms and improve her quality of life during her final years. As the product gained traction within my community, I realized there was potential to expand beyond the legacy market and into legal cannabis markets across the country.