
A pair of Wilmington City Council meetings next week will be a crucial next step in the future of retail marijuana sales in the city.

City Councilman Alexander Hackett introduced an ordinance Thursday night that would place a 90-day suspension on marijuana retail stores until the city can debate potential zoning changes.

The Delaware Marijuana Control Act allows cities and municipalities the ability to create their own rules, or ban, any part of cultivation, manufacturing, testing, or retail sales.

Several towns and cities, including Middletown, Lewes, and Bethany Beach, have said no to marijuana.

Hackett’s ordinance will be discussed during a Health, Environmental, Aging, & Disabilities Committee Meeting on Wednesday, February 26 at 5 p.m.

If passed, it is the sole topic for a special meeting of Wilmington City Council on Thursday, February 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Cannibus advocates, including the Delaware Cannibis Advocacy Network have expressed concerns there have been delays in background checks, with none completed in time for a January meeting of the Delaware Marijuana Control Act Oversight Committee.

They do not currently have another meeting scheduled.

In November, Wilmington City Council passed a resolution asking the state to direct some of the 15% marijuana tax towards the city.

That same night, a bill was introduced by Council President Trippi Congo and Councilman Nathan Field to ban marijuana businesses in the city completely.

The ordinance was not discussed in either the December of February meetings of the Community Development & Urban Planning Committee.

In November, Councilman Chris Johnson said he would rather not see a citywide approach to banning marijuana.

“I would hope marijuana industry is allowed in the parts of the city that want it, and the part of the city that don’t want it, let them choose they don’t want it, but to cut off the whole city is really not in the direction the city needs to grow.”

”}]] A pair of Wilmington City Council meetings next week will be a crucial next step in the future of retail marijuana sales in the city.  Read More  



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