The Detroit City Council banned advertisements for marijuana and nicotine vapes within 1,000 feet of schools, libraries, parks, recreation centers and other places likely to attract children.
Advertising alcohol and tobacco within 1,000 feet of those same locations is already prohibited under an ordinance that was updated Tuesday. The vote to add marijuana and electronic nicotine products was unanimously in favor.
Council Members Scott Benson and Whitfield-Calloway said they’re hoping to reduce drug use among young Detroiters.
The ordinance takes effect immediately. Any existing ads that violate the ordinance must come down in 60 days.
Young said the restriction feels like something for “people who believe reefer madness is based on a true story” but supported it regardless. However, Benson cited studies that showed adolescents who are exposed to billboards promoting cannabis were more likely to abuse it.
“This is not about his rights,” Benson said. “It’s about prioritizing the health and safety of children.”
“}]] The ordinance takes effect immediately. Any existing ads that violate the ordinance must come down in 60 days. Read More