WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Forsyth County Drug Task Force (FCDTF) Detectives have made a large drug bust, recovering vast amounts of fentanyl, marijuana, and cocaine.

Armani Llanos was arrested Friday, after a warranted search of a home on Burke Mill Court.

Detectives say they seized over $7500 in cash and two guns in addition to 1,000 MDMA/Fentanyl pills, three pounds of marijuana, and cocaine.

Llanos, 36, is now being held without bond allowed under the following charges:

Felony Trafficking FentanylFelony Trafficking MDMAFelony Trafficking CocaineFelony Possession with the Intent to Sell and Deliver a Schedule 1 SubstanceFelony Possession with the Intent to Sell and Deliver MDMAFelony Maintaining a Dwelling for Use, Keeping, or Selling of a Controlled SubstanceFelony Possession with the Intent to Sell and Deliver CocaineFelony Possession of MarijuanaFelony Possession of Firearm by FelonMisdemeanor Possession of Marijuana ParaphernaliaMisdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

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Anyone with further details from this investigation or any drug activity in Forsyth County should contact the FCDTF. You can anonymously text information, photos, and video via Text-A-Tip at 336-920-8477; or anonymously call Crime Stoppers at (336) 727-2800 for English or (336) 728-3904 for Spanish.

 Forsyth County Drug Task Force (FCDTF) Detectives have made a large drug bust, recovering vast amounts of fentanyl, marijuana, and cocaine.Armani Llanos was arr  Read More  



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