Published at 7:44 pm, March 18, 2025
Jason Rardin (left) and Darren Weeks (right) | Bingham County Jail
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BLACKFOOT – Two local men have been sentenced after police found narcotics and guns in their Basalt home.
RELATED | Two men arrested after Blackfoot drug trafficking bust
Jason Rardin, 53, was charged in July 2023 with felony drug trafficking of marijuana, six felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
The 53-year-old accepted a plea agreement a year later where, in exchange for a guilty plea on the trafficking count and two counts of possession of a controlled substance for methamphetamine and heroin, the state dismissed the remaining charges.
On March 10, 7th Judicial District Judge Darren B. Simpson sentenced him to three years fixed and 12 years indeterminate, with the three charges running concurrently.
Darren Weeks, 55, was sentenced back in June after a jury found him guilty of his original charges of felony and misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance and a misdemeanor charge of possession of drug paraphernalia.
Seventh Judicial District Judge Stevan H. Thompson suspended the Weeks’ three-year fixed prison sentence and four-year indeterminate sentence and handed him three years of probation.
According to court documents, on July 18, 2023, Blackfoot Police officers executed a search warrant on Rardin’s home, where several narcotics and drug paraphernalia were found.
In the search, police found 10 firearms, a sandwich bag full of marijuana, 191.47 grams, and a blue lunch bag that contained marijuana ready to sell, 201.2 grams, a baggie with grounded up marijuana, 114.7 grams, and 14 “hits” of heroin.
The total weight of all the marijuana products that were found was 507.37 grams. There was also 3 grams of powder fentanyl and 7.2 grams of crystal meth police found as well.
In the garage, police found materials to make marijuana dab and a portable grow house with two marijuana plants.
The document states Weeks was occupying Rardin’s home, where police found a box with several marijuana pups and a bong with burnt marijuana residue. Three spoons and a glass meth pipe with meth residue were found.
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“}]] Jason Rardin (left) and Darren Weeks (right) | Bingham County Jail BLACKFOOT – Two local men have been sentenced after police found narcotics and guns in their Basalt home. RELATED | Two men arrested after Blackfoot drug trafficking bust Jason Rardin, 53, was charged in July 2023 with felony drug trafficking of marijuana, six felony Read More