
It’s a growing industry in California, but in one Coachella Valley city, the expansion of cannabis businesses is on hold. Cathedral City has a 45-day moratorium on cannabis operations, preventing businesses from expanding after residents complained about strong cannabis odors affecting their daily lives.

Now, city leaders, residents, and business owners are all searching for solutions. But mitigating cannabis odor is still uncharted territory.

In an exclusive interview, News Channel Three spoke with C4 USA’s David Bernard, the COO of one the state’s largest cannabis manufacturers, about how this pause impacts their business and what’s being done to find a fix.

Below is a statement provided by C4 Cannabis included in its entirety.

“Based on the City’s communication during the last City Council meeting, we are obligated to abide by the city’s cannabis nuisance odor ordinance, which to some extent we have done. With that said, the odor issue is a complex problem that requires collaboration between the city, cannabis operators, and the local community.

This poses challenges as well as opportunities. There is and will continue to be significant time, effort, and capital invested in finding a solution. Through these investments, we are confident that the best practices in air quality and odor management will be adopted, positioning Cathedral City as a leader in this space, while ensuring the local community’s rights and interests are protected.

We feel that with a more collaborative approach to managing cannabis odors, the long-term effect will greatly benefit all parties. The community will benefit from local job creation and tax contributions, and the city will have the opportunity to efficiently manage cannabis developments as well as code compliance efforts while protecting the community’s rights and interests. Cannabis operations will be able to continue to invest and grow an industry that presents significant opportunities for working-class residents.

We are truly appreciative of our position in the community, and regardless of perception, we are committed to being good neighbors and a beacon of opportunity for Cathedral City.”

David Bernard


“}]] It’s a growing industry in California, but in one Coachella Valley city, the expansion of cannabis businesses is on hold. Cathedral City has a 45-day moratorium on cannabis operations, preventing businesses from expanding after residents complained about strong cannabis odors affecting their daily lives. Now, city leaders, residents, and business owners are all searching for solutions.  Read More  

