ANTHONY, N.M. (KFOX14/CBS4) — The owners of what will be a new cannabis lounge in Anthony, New Mexico, will appeal the Doña Ana County Zoning and Planning Commission’s denial of their special permit.
Brandon May submitted an application for a special permit on behalf of Acoma Hill Investment LP.
The permit was to open a cannabis establishment on Garder Road and allow them to grow 1,000 cannabis plants inside.
The plan to open the lounge had neighbors divided.
“We’re not against marijuana, that’s perfectly fine if that’s something that interests you; however, in the middle of a quite prestine rural setting that’s just not the appropriate place,” said Mitch Morgan, a resident in the area.
“To my neighbors, you know I read every single letter that was mailed in. I brought with me today letters of recommendation from the City Manager of Truth or Consequences and from two neighbors on existing establishments that I run all can attest that we’ve had zero complaints, zero compliance issues we follow the law and are good neighbors,” said Brandon May.
May said if their appeal is denied, he would still move forward with the plans to open the shop.
RELATED: Residents voice concerns over potential cannabis business near Anthony, New Mexico
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The owners of what will be a new cannabis lounge in Anthony, New Mexico, will appeal the Doña Ana County Zoning and Planning Commission’s denial of their specia Read More