BROOKFIELD, Wis. – A cannabis and psychedelic mushroom kiosk is drawing attention and push back at Brookfield Square Mall. 

Cannabis kiosk questions

What we know:

Business is booming at Waukesha’s Ethereal Gold Dispensary. Owner Bill Fuchs said sales are eight times what they were compared to just two years ago. 

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Fuchs said Ethereal now ships products to all 50 states – and recently became one of the first dispensaries in Wisconsin to sell through DoorDash.

But it is Ethereal’s vending machine at Brookfield Square Mall that has delivered a different kind of buzz. 

What they’re saying:

Debbie Mochalski said she noticed the kiosk a few months ago while mall walking. 

“It shouldn’t be around kids,” Mochalski said. “Too many kids come to the mall and they see this and think it’s OK to do this.  I don’t agree with it.”

FOX6 News checked in with Brookfield police. They said the machines are “perfectly legal.”

Fuchs said ethereal has three other kiosks – one at their store, one at a liquor store and another at a bar. 

Police add, there is no ordinance in Brookfield governing these types of machines. 

Opponents to kiosks

The other side:

The president of Madison-based Wisconsin Family Action told FOX6 News that should change. He said, “There should be no place in Wisconsin where minors can have access to cannabinoid products.”

“They can’t purchase from us without a 21 and over ID and a verified credit card,” Fuchs said. 

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Fuchs told FOX6 News every question about his dispensary only drives sales higher. 

Marquette Law School poll

What we know:

A 2024 Marquette Law School poll asked respondents about medical marijuana. 

The poll said, “In January, the legislature discussed legislation that would legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Eighty-six percent say they support legalization for medical purposes, with 10% opposed and 4% saying they don’t know. When last asked about this in April 2019, 83% favored and 12% opposed legalizing medical marijuana.

“A smaller majority, 63%, favor legalization of marijuana for any purpose, while 29% are opposed. This question was last asked in October 2022, with 64% in favor and 30% opposed.”

FOX6 News reached out to management at Brookfield Square Mall for comment. We have not heard back yet. 

The Source: The information in this post was produced with assistance from Brookfield Square Mall and Ethereal Gold Dispensary.

 A cannabis and psychedelic mushroom kiosk is drawing attention and push back at Brookfield Square Mall.  Read More  



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