Washington State University researchers broadening our understanding of the chemical and social effects of cannabis are sharing their finding with a series of talks throughout the spring.
This semester’s Cannabis Research Seminar Series kicks off Feb. 4 and will run through April:
“Teens’ and young adults’ perceptions of cannabis edibles and packaging”
Presented by Associate Professor Jessica Willoughby and Professor Stacey Hust
February 18
“Expanding the NPGs collection to support hemp industry development”
Presented by Professor David Gang
March 4
“Memory and munchies: Acute effects of cannabis on human memory and food consumption”
Presented by Associate Professor Carrie Cutler
April 1
“The stoned age – Disentangling mechanics underlying long-term cognitive effects of adolescent cannabis exposure”
Presented by Associate Professor Ryan McLaughlin
April 14
“Non-Terpenoid Volatiles of Cannabis Sativa”
Presented by Austin Alt, graduate research assistant in Molecular Plant Sciences
Each event will take place from 4–5 p.m. in room 305 of the Veterinary Biomedical Research Building as well as over Zoom. More information is available on the series’ WSU Events listing.
Jeremy Boutin, a doctoral candidate in Associate Professor Mark Lange’s lab, launched the Cannabis Research Seminar Series launched last fall in cooperation with the WSU Center for Cannabis Policy, Research and Outreach.
“Even though the researchers working at CCPRO are doing exceptional work, it’s work that a lot of students and members of the university community don’t know about,” Boutin said.
Boutin approached Gang last fall with the idea of getting CCPRO researchers in front of a wider audience to talk about their work. After working through some technical challenges in the first round, Boutin is hoping to improve upon the previous series and see it continued in semesters to come.