Where to get a CBD massage

It’s not as hard as it used to be to find a CBD-friendly massage therapist. CBD oil massages are in demand, and plenty of licensed therapists offer them. 

As with many luxuries in the wellness space, finding CBD massages is easier if you live in a city or urban area. You can also perform massages at home. CBD massage oils are available online, as are massage guides and instructional videos. 

But if you are intending to outsource your session, find a qualified massage therapist. You can always look up reviews to see what customers are saying about a business or specific therapist. 

Also, keep in mind that you’ll likely pay extra. Shopping around can help you find the lowest fee, but in general, CBD massages cost more than a traditional massage. 

CBD Massage: FAQ

Do CBD massages get you high?

No, you won’t get high from a CBD massage

Unlike THC, CBD alone isn’t psychotropic. Cannabinoids get you high when they have an affinity for CB1 receptors in the ECS, and CBD doesn’t. 

Once molecules bind to a CB1 receptor, the body ramps up dopamine production. It’s this sudden rush of dopamine that leads to feelings of euphoria and relaxation, or even a burst of energy. THC provides this, but CBD doesn’t.

CBD is on the opposite end of the spectrum. While it can make you feel good or relaxed, it’s a CB1 receptor antagonist. It has no CB1 affinity and can even prevent other cannabinoids from binding as effectively. That’s why taking CBD along with THC gets you less high than THC alone

Beyond that, no topical cannabinoid gets you high—not even the most THC-rich cream on the market. Topical products interact with ECS receptors in the skin, but never enter the bloodstream and never reach the brain. 

How long is a CBD massage?

It depends on which services your massage therapist provides. Many offer two or more session lengths for the client to choose from, often ranging from 30 to 90 minutes long. 

Generally, 30-minute (or shorter) massages are reserved for specific, localized concerns. Full-body massages usually require at least an hour. 

If you’re unsure how long the session should be, check in with your massage therapist. It all depends on your unique concerns and comfort level. 

Who should try CBD massages?

CBD massages are best for those dealing with chronic pain, soreness, or inflammation. Topical CBD shines the brightest in those areas. 

You can enjoy a CBD massage whether or not you’re looking to target chronic issues, but a standard service will probably be just as effective. Remember, you’re typically paying extra to have your massage therapist use CBD-infused oil. It’s up to you to decide whether that’s worth it. 

Are CBD massages safe?

Yes, assuming you’re seeing a licensed massage therapist and don’t have any allergies or sensitivities to the oil. 

Topical CBD is safe to use on the skin. Should you give a CBD massage at home, be sure to use CBD oil (ideally CBD massage oil), not a tincture. Alcohol-based tinctures can be irritating. It probably won’t do any lasting damage but can dry you out and disrupt the skin barrier, stripping away natural oils. 

Are CBD massages legal?

CBD is federally legal in the United States. It’s been legal to buy, sell, and use CBD products since the 2018 Farm Bill was passed. Hemp products (like CBD massage oil) are legal as long as they contain less than 0.3% delta 9 THC by weight. (State laws vary.)

 CBD (cannabidiol) is renowned for its soothing effects, but are there any benefits when used as part of a professional massage? Read More   


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