OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Specifics on proposed medical marijuana laws were found on the back of the petition that circulated earlier this year to get the issue in front of voters, but people didn’t see that on their ballot for the election.

That left many without easy access to the actual language of the medical marijuana laws that voters approved in November, including local officials.

It’s partly what’s caused confusion about the legal rollout of these laws.

Now the medical marijuana laws can be found on the Nebraska Legislature website, among the other state laws.

When First Alert 6 spoke with Omaha Police and the city prosecutor’s office last week, they hadn’t reviewed the language. A few days ago they didn’t have the legal definitions; now they do. Online it clearly defines terms in the laws.

For example, a “health care practitioner” is ” a physician, an osteopathic physician, a physician assistant, or a nurse practitioner licensed under the Uniform Credentialing Act or who is licensed in any state and practicing in compliance with the Uniform Credentialing Act.”

On Friday, when First Alert 6 asked what they’re going to do if they come across someone with medical marijuana and a written recommendation from a health care practitioner they didn’t have an answer.

Now that the specifics of the law are available, First Alert 6 asked again.

Omaha Police had the same answer: “We haven’t been given guidance on how to proceed yet from the State Attorney’s Office. This will guide how law enforcement across the state will proceed.”

City prosecutor Kevin Slimp said he reviewed the newly posted statues, specifically the one legalizing the posession of medical marijuana.

“It’s not something that I would advise somebody and say you’re going to be okay if you do this,” he told First Alert 6. “Because even if you acquire some kind of marijuana, if it’s acquired illegally, you’d be subject to other crimes as well.”

While the law states there will be no penalties to “use, possess, and acquire” there are no legal ways to acquire marijuana in the state. It’s also illegal to bring in the substance from another state.

 First Alert 6 continues to press local officials about what they’re going to do about medical marijuana.  Read More  



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