INDIANAPOLIS — 56% of people believe marijuana should be legal for recreational use, 29% think it should be legal for medical use only and 15% feel it shouldn’t be legal at all.

It’s safe to say it’s a topic that Hoosiers are paying attention to.

On Thursday, Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Jennifer McCormick released a plan that she says would eventually lead to recreational legalization.

She says she would start with a cannabis commission made up of industry experts, law enforcement, businesses and medical professionals.

From there, they would roll out a medical marijuana system and eventually legalize recreational marijuana.

Her campaign estimates it would generate $172 million of revenue for the state. She says she would like to see that funding go back to local politics.

However, she wants the roll out to be slow. McCormick wants Indiana to learn from mistakes other states have made.

“Some of the other states have said ‘We moved too fast,’ or ‘We moved too slow’ or ‘We wish we would have given more thought to a particular area,’” McCormick said. “That is, again, where that commission will be incredibly important to be good listeners and come up with a really good roll out plan.”

WRTV reached out to Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Sen. Mike Braun. He didn’t directly address McCormick’s plan, but his team referred us to statements he made earlier this year.

Braun has said he thinks medical marijuana is the best case for legalizing cannabis but he would take his cues from law enforcement on the issue.

 Her campaign estimates it would generate $172 million of revenue for the state. She says she would like to see that funding go back to local politics.  Read More  


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