Photo Courtesy of Ripple’s Website

When it comes to edibles, most people think of a batch of brownies or a package of gummies. For Colorado-based cannabis company Ripple, powder is the name of the game.

Photo Courtesy of Ripple

Packaged in canisters that almost resemble prescribed pill bottles, there are ten singular packets, each containing the same amount of cannabinoids. Pop open a packet and pour it into whatever beverage or commodity you choose, and now you have an edible out of your favorite food and drink.

Ripple’s dissolvable are available at dispensaries throughout the state in five different forms—Sleep (100mg THC, 50mg CBN), Revive (100mg THC, 100mg CBG), Relief (200mg CBD, 5mg THC), Pure (100mg THC), and Balanced (75mg THC, 75mg CBD).

The Pitch recently sat down with Ripple CEO and Co-Founder Justin Singer for an extensive Q&A on the company and the product itself. We had the opportunity to sample four of the five products and can say that we have yet to find anything quite similar to what Ripple offers the Missouri cannabis market.

Revive, 100mg THC, 100mg CBG: Ripple’s Revive Dissolvable is great for those who may be dealing with a minor injury or soreness. The 100mg CBG helps serve as a great form of pain relief, while the THC helps elevate the easy feeling. This specific style would be great for those who deal with some form of chronic pain simply due to the hefty dose of CBG.

Photo Courtesy of Ripple

Pure, 100mg THC: The Pure Dissolvable is packed tight with 100mg THC and no further cannabinoids. I found myself microdosing this specific dissolvable, allowing for quick uplifting spirits when needed the most. For those looking strictly for the THC high, the Pure Dissolvable is the way to go. Toss a packet or two in your water to start your day, or go full blow-out with all 100mg and see where it takes you.

Balanced, 75mg THC, 75mg CBD: Ripple’s Balanced Dissolvable is probably the safest bet for new cannabis users or those whose tolerance may not be quite that high. With just 75mg THC and 75mg CBD, there is plenty of wiggle room for microdosing with one singular packet. Obviously it is not quite as potent, but it executes exactly what it’s named after: a balancing act between the THC and CBD. For those looking for pain relief without being overwhelmingly high off THC, the Balanced Dissolvable might be the best fit out of these four.

Sleep, 100mg THC, 50mg CBN: While I was a bit more cautious with my doses when sampling the other forms of the dissolvable, when it came to the Ripple Sleep Dissolvable, I poured all 10 packets into a water bottle and housed it down. It was late in the evening, before a big day, and I knew that I had to get a good night’s sleep. Lucky for me, the dissolvable did the trick and put me out cold for well over eight hours, ensuring that I was well-rested to tackle the following day.

Photo Courtesy of Ripple

Categories: Culture

Tags: cannabis, Cannabis Market, colorado, Eat This Edible, edibles, Justin Singer, marijuana, Missouri cannabis industry, Missouri Cannabis Market, Ripple, Ripple Cannabis, Ripple Dissolvable, Smoke Show, weed

 Want an unorthodox style of consuming your cannabis? Ripple is executing an alternative route to marijuana consumption. Read More   



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