
ILHAA Opposes SB1766 Creating the Hemp Beverage Commission as part of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (Springfield, IL) – Today, Justin Ward, the President of ILHAA testified in opposition to the proposed bill SB1766 which would regulate hemp beverages in the same manner as liquor. He said,

“Good afternoon, my name is Justin Ward, and I am the President of the Illinois Healthy Alternatives Association (ILHAA) and Co-Founder & CEO of Stoney Branch Farms. The Illinois Healthy Alternatives Association represents a diverse range of businesses within Illinois’ hemp industry, including farmers, manufacturers, retailers and distributors. Our mission is to foster a supportive environment for the growth and success of the hemp industry while ensuring consumer safety and promoting economic development in the state.

While we advocate for responsible hemp product regulation, we must express our concerns about SB 1766. Specifically, the bill focuses solely on regulating hemp beverages, which represent a relatively small portion of the broader hemp market. By restricting the regulation to only beverages, this bill neglects the many other hemp-derived products available to consumers, creating an inconsistent regulatory framework across the industry. It’s essential that any regulatory approach covers all hemp products, ensuring both safety and fairness.

Additionally, we are strongly opposed to the proposed three-tier system included in the bill, which would prevent hemp producers from selling directly to consumers. This system mirrors that of alcohol and would force small hemp businesses to rely on distributors, effectively limiting their market access. For small businesses like those in our association, this would be a major obstacle. The ability to engage directly with consumers has been a critical part of our growth and success. The added layers of cost and complexity could significantly harm the ability of small businesses to thrive, hindering both innovation and access to market opportunities.

The Illinois hemp industry is growing, and small businesses are the backbone of this sector. They provide jobs, foster innovation, and directly contribute to the local economy. Restricting their ability to operate freely through a rigid distribution system would be a significant step backward, harming both businesses and consumers alike.

We urge lawmakers to consider these points carefully as you decide how to move forward with this bill. Sensible, comprehensive regulations are key to fostering a safe, equitable, and competitive hemp market.

Thank you for your time and consideration.”

ILHAA Opposes SB1766 Creating the Hemp Beverage Commission as part of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission

 By restricting the regulation to only beverages, this bill neglects the many other hemp-derived products available to consumers, creating an inconsistent regulatory framework across the industry. #hemp  Read More  



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