A new cannabis dispensary is slated to open in the space previously occupied by a prominent pizzeria, which closed abruptly after not paying taxes.

DeLorenzo’s Pizza of Hamilton, part of the legendary De Lorenzo pizza family, closed earlier this week after the property was seized by the state “for non-payment of New Jersey state taxes,” according to a note posted on the door, and confirmed by the state treasury department.

But there are already new plans on the horizon for the building at 147 Sloan Ave. A cannabis dispensary was unanimously approved for the space at a Feb. 20 Hamilton Township Planning Board meeting.

The proposal was made by an operations manager and the legal team of Vision Cannabis.

A spokesperson for the Mercer County Office of Planning declined further comment Friday.

Vision Cannabis plans to only use part of the building as the other part will have a “demising wall for future growth within the building.”

The planning board’s minutes also stated that DeLorenzo’s lease was set to end in July and that Vision Cannabis was helping DeLorenzo’s look for a new space.

“(Vision Cannabis) would like to see a local business succeed,” the minutes read.

The pizzeria served tomato pies and other Italian offerings on Sloan Avenue since 2013, after moving from its longstanding Trenton location that opened in 1961.

Mercer County Superior Court records show an unpaid judgment of $11,317.41, according to a Nov. 7, 2024 filing obtained by NJ Advance Media Thursday.

While owned by members of the same family, the pizzeria has no association with De Lorenzo’s Tomato Pies of Robbinsville (previously of Trenton, as well).

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 The pizzeria’s building was seized by the state for failing to comply with New Jersey tax laws  Read More  



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