Nature has been providing natural remedies for ailments since the beginning of time, including the hemp plant; There are many lesser known chemicals and functions to this plant that can provide all types of symptom relief. Chris Lynch owns True Hemp Science, located at 205 Cheatham Street #4, and believes that the natural way is the best way to heal yourself.

“We sell high-quality CBD tinctures, nanos and gummies. We do typically high CBD, low THC products,” Lynch said. “Most of our oils are raw, which differentiates us from a couple other places. Plus we do specialized cannabinoids, like we do have CBD-V and CBG.”

Lynch said with raw oils, the additional parts of the plants that pair with the CBD, THC or CBG and enhance its benefits are left undamaged. He cited a study that found isolated CBD was far less effective than when used with the whole plant, or as Lynch put it, “nature is intelligent, people are not.”

“[Raw oils] would say CBD-A or CBG-A, and the A means it’s raw, like when it grows on the plant. And most extraction techniques, or most people when they’re processing cannabinoids, they, for some reason, want them decarboxylated because everybody kind of equates it to marijuana. When you smoke marijuana, you would take the THCA, and then by heating it, you convert it to Delta Nine, [which has an intoxicating positive effect]” Lynch said. “What we’re seeing, because we’ve been selling CBD for about nine years in Texas, acidic compounds have a profound effect on the body; and it’s probably because you don’t destroy these other compounds.”

All of the chemicals in the hemp plant have different uses.

“CBG is very uplifting. It’s good if you want to study, if you’re trying to cram for a test or if you’re working on the computer all day. … I’m not a doctor. This is not medical advice, but there are dosages at which people who have Glaucoma start to see effects,” Lynch said. “CBD reduces cortisol, so that’s the Fight or Flight function. … Most people use CBD for pain, inflammation, depression and anxiety.”

CBD can even have a regenerative effect.

“The US government filed a patent, and the patent says CBD is a cardiac protectant, antioxidant and a neuroprotectant, and it’s actually, from our experience, neuro-regenerative,” Lynch said. “Even if it’s just protecting the neurons without the Fight or Flight function, you can start to make new synaptic connections. Whereas otherwise, with PTSD, people get in these states, and they’re just kind of locked there.”

Our body has receptors specifically designed to pair with hemp chemicals.

“Humans have an endocannabinoid system, and the plant is a phyto-cannabinoid system. And that’s what makes it unique,” Lynch said. “There’s nothing else on the planet that makes as many chemicals that fit into receptors in your body. … [With other chemicals], you’ll get ten, five or three [receptors], but you will not get 120 plus [like you do with hemp].”

Lynch recommends that society gets back to the whole plant, holistic approach for the best effects. One can learn more at the website: truehempscience. com.

Pictured are some of the products the shop sells. San Marcos Record – Sharing news, features and sports with the San Marcos community since 1912.  Read More  



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