Muskan Rastogi and Sahil Shukla, the two accused in the Meerut murder case of merchant navy employee Saurabh Rajput, are suffering with severe drug addiction issues in jail, going into withdrawal and refusing to take any food in pursuit of acquiring some narcotics.
Muskan Rastogi and Sahil Shukla are being kept under strict monitoring by the Meerut prison’s medical team. (PTI)
Both the 27-year-old accused are lodged inside the Meerut District Jail, in separate barracks for men and women.
‘Severe dependency on drugs’
A jail official, on condition of anonymity, described their dependency as severe, adding that additional precautions have been taken to prevent any harm to themselves or others.
Muskan, along with her lover Sahil, stabbed her husband Saurabh to death on March 4 and then chopped his body into pieces, concealing it in a drum which, the duo filled with cement. After this, the lovers tried to cover their tracks and travelled to Himachal Pradesh, before returning to Meerut on March 17.
During their trip to Himachal, the lovers allegedly went into ‘celebration’ mode, playing Holi, cutting a cake, and posing for pictures in snow-covered landscapes.
Accused demand marijuana, morphine
After their arrest, Muskan and Sahil were remanded to judicial custody. And on the very first night of being lodged in jail, Muskan’s health started to worsen. The doctors diagnosed her with severe drug addiction and started urgent treatment for her.
Meanwhile, Sahil created a ruckus in the facility and demanded that he be given drugs. He showed extreme restlessness without marijuana and Muskan demanded morphine injections, official sources said on Saturday.
Officials also confirmed that the two had been regular user of injectable drugs, which has now led to them facing severe withdrawal.
The jail’s de-addiction centre, which is taking care of the accused, has put the two under treatment for managing withdrawal system. The prison’s medical team is also constantly monitoring them.
Sources said that amid the aggressive demands for narcotics from Muskan and Sahil, the two also refused food, which is a common sign of withdrawal. They said that the two are likely to take at least ten days to regain some stability.
(with inputs from Deepak Lavania)