A new poll released shows that a majority support expanding medical marijuana access in Arkansas.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark — A new poll now shows the range of support that three ballot issues have across the state of Arkansas.

The poll, which was released on Monday by Talk Business & Politics and Hendrix College, shows there are three issues that could appear on the November ballot. 

This poll was conducted between September 5-6, 2024, and has opinions from nearly 700 likely Arkansas voters statewide. It also has a margin of error of +/- 4.6%.

Dr. Jay Barth, emeritus professor of politics at Hendrix College, explained how voters across Arkansas will likely consider one ballot measure come Election Day in November. He explained how oftentimes in Arkansas, people tend to wait to decide on other measures which can typically keep them in limbo until the final weeks of the campaign.

He says that Issue 1, which was put before voters by the General Assembly and aims to expand “the use of lottery proceeds so that they can be used to fund scholarships for Arkansas citizens enrolled in vocational-technical schools and technical institutes” would likely be voted on come November.

When asked if Arkansans would be for or against Issue 1, there was majority of people for it, at 86%, 5% were against it, and 9% were still undecided.

Dr. Barth went on to explain how the other two ballot measures have a lower likelihood of being on the final ballot and would be less certain to pass if they did make it onto the ballot.

However, both Issue 2 and Issue 3 currently have more supporters than opponents. 

Issue 2 would require the approval of local voters in a “countywide election for any future casino licenses while also repealing the state’s authority to issue a casino.”

Arkansans asked if they would be for or against Issue 2, the numbers were somewhat close. There are 42% of voters who are for it, 28% who are against it, and 30% of voters who are still undecided.

Issue 3, the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2024 aims to expand access to medical marijuana by qualified patients. This would allow certain medical professionals to certify patients, expand the list of qualifying medical conditions, and more.

If federal law were to change to remove marijuana as a controlled substance, then this issue would also allow adults to have up to one ounce of marijuana in their possession.

When asked if they would be for or against Issue 3, Arkansas voters said a majority of them would be for it.

More than half of them, 54%, said they would be for, 35.5% of voters would be against and there is 10.5% that are undecided.

“Medical marijuana expansion is particularly popular among the state’s younger voters, among those with college degrees, among voters of color, and among voters who live in urban/suburban areas. Ratification of Issue 3 would, it seems, move Arkansas voters one step closer to full legalization of recreational marijuana in the state,” he added.

Robert Coon, managing partner with Impact Management Group, explained that if Issue 3 were to be voted on today, it would pass. Support for this issue comes mainly from Democrats and Independents. 

However, a majority of Republicans oppose the issue. Support for Issue 3 is also highest among the young voter demographic and maintains support among older voters.

For more information on the poll, please click here.

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