
In a volatile economy, luxury goods often take a hit. But a surprising trend has emerged in the cannabis industry: Many premium brands are not only surviving but thriving.

Despite economic uncertainty, luxury marijuana products continue to attract discerning consumers seeking premium experiences.

“Some consumers want the best in any category – cannabis or not,” said Dana Mason, vice president of brand marketing at Chicago-based Cresco Labs, producer of high-end brands Mindy’s Edibles and FloraCal.

“There are people who appreciate premium products and are willing to pay more. Luxury brands are targeting a different consumer group than those looking for that everyday value.”

This item originally appeared on MJBizDaily. The rest of the story is available here.

“}]] In a volatile economy, luxury goods often take a hit. But a surprising trend has emerged in the cannabis industry: Many premium brands are not only surviving but thriving. Despite  Read More  


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