
Lawmakers in Maine are proposing a bill to enforce mandatory testing on medical cannabis to improve product safety.

AUGUSTA, Maine — A bipartisan group of lawmakers is calling for increased testing on medical cannabis in Maine, introducing a bill aimed at tightening oversight.

The legislation, unveiled Tuesday in Augusta, would establish a mandatory testing program for harvested medical cannabis. It includes a system for reporting results to the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy.

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Currently, Maine has separate testing standards for medical and recreational marijuana. Recreational cannabis is subject to stricter tracking and testing, while medical cannabis is not required to undergo the same level of scrutiny.

Public health advocates say the state must ensure all cannabis products are safe for consumers.

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“We’re talking about products that are meant to be medicinal,” Matt Wellington, associate director for the Maine Public Health Association, said. “I think the patients who are accessing these products deserve to have assurance that what they’re consuming has been tested and that the potency is accurate. The regulations and oversight have not caught up.”

Some medical marijuana businesses have pushed back against increased testing requirements, arguing they would create a financial burden. Many medical cannabis providers say they already test their products voluntarily.

RELATED: Study: Daily marijuana use outpaces daily drinking in US for 1st time

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