
SEATTLE, Wash.-The federal government is considering reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug, a move that could impact Washington State’s commercial cannabis industry.

The Drug Enforcement Administration currently classifies cannabis as a schedule 1 drug, meaning it carries the same weight as hard drugs, such as methamphetamine or heroin, according to KING 5 reporting on the issue.

The Department of Justice is considering reclassifying cannabis as a schedule III drug and President Biden announced the proposed change, which would classify cannabis as a drug with low to moderate potential for addiction, in May.

Reactions are mixed to the possible relaxation of federal cannabis regulations, according to KING 5 reporting.

While cannabis shop owners would benefit from being able to make business tax deductions less regulations could mean the end of small, local retail cannabis shops.

An administrative hearing on possible cannabis reclassification is set for Dec. 2, which means any final decision on the issue would likely come in 2025, according to the DEA.

”}]] SEATTLE, Wash.-The federal government is considering reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug, a move that could impact Washington State’s commercial cannabis industry.  Read More  


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