A new ad promoting a recreational pot ballot measure contrasts Florida’s treatment of alcohol to that of marijuana.

The Smart & Safe Florida just launched a 30-second video entitled “Different.” In the spot, a man relaxing in a chair on a Florida dock discusses the difference in how Florida treats weed and booze.

“You can walk into any store in Florida and buy a beer,” the man says to the camera, “but you’ll be locked up for buying marijuana.”

It’s a familiar argument from marijuana proponents, who argue that cannabis poses less public health risks than alcohol. The Smart & Safe campaign also pointed to a Food and Drug Administration study in January that showed marijuana was less dangerous than other illegal drugs, and that it may hold greater medicinal value.

“It’s actually safer than alcohol but the government treats it totally different,” the man in the latest ad states. “It doesn’t make sense.”

Florida voters already voted to legalize marijuana in 2016. Voters now will weigh in on decriminalizing recreational use of cannabis.

“Amendment 3 will legalize marijuana for adults — safe, lab-tested and from a store, not the street,” the man in the ad states. “It’s time to give responsible adults the freedom to make their own choices. Vote ‘yes’ on Amendment 3.”

Smart & Safe Florida officials said the ad will play on broadcast, streaming and cable and on digital platforms.

The campaign through Sept. 13 has raised nearly $101,000 supporting the measure, and has already invested more than $72 million. That included spending more than $9.3 million between Sept. 7 and 13, most of that with Ax Media on advertising.

In order for the ballot measure to pass, more than 60% of voters who weigh in on Amendment 3 must vote in favor.

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 ‘You can walk into any store in Florida and buy a beer.’  Read More  


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