Those in the cannabis world know that weed’s official holiday is April 20 — better known as 420 — with big-time sales and origin stories dating back more than half a century.

But there’s a new date on the calendar in New Jersey when legal weed is actually more in demand. It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and it has its own name: Green Wednesday.

New figures from the state show that Green Wednesday was the highest grossing sales day for the cannabis industry in New Jersey in 2024. Customers forked over an estimated $6 million, compared to the $5.8 million spent on 420.

Green Wednesday is the cannabis industry’s Black Friday, with consumers buying a lot of weed the day before they feast at Thanksgiving.

Matha Figaro, founder of But-A-Cake, a Jersey City-based cannabis edibles company that specializes in selling weed brownies, isn’t surprised. She noted the holiday seasons are hot for baked goods.

“It’s buy everything season,” she said. “My mom doesn’t know what 420 is. She’s probably never even heard of it. But while she was planning for all of her holiday shopping she knew to ask me if there is going to be But-A-Cake on sale.”

Adult-use legalization has also brought cannabis into mainstream holiday habits, Figaro said.

“When you add in everybody else, now people are buying cannabis, maybe not for themselves but also as a gift for somebody else,” she said.

The cannabis industry in New Jersey also broke records in 2024, exceeding $1 billion in sales for the first time.

“The continued growth of New Jersey’s cannabis market reflects our dedication to creating a marketplace that benefits everyone—consumers, businesses, and communities alike,” said Cannabis Regulatory Commission chair Dianna Houenou.

Jelani Gibson may be reached at Follow him on X at @jelanigibson1 and on LinkedIn.

 420 has long been the industry’s official holiday, but another day took the spot for the highest grossing sales.  Read More  

