Thanks to The Plain Dealer for calling out lawmakers’ recent efforts to undercut the will of Ohio voters by altering Ohio’s existing marijuana laws (“Don’t take marijuana revenue from cities, towns when Ohioans legalized weed on that basis,” editorial March 23).

Through the passage of Issue 2 in 2023, Ohioans took to the polls to not only legalize recreational marijuana, but also to show exactly how they would like portions of those funds to be used. Bills like Senate Bill 56 and House Bill 160 shamefully rip apart the provisions voted for in favor of pursuing personal political agendas.

Whatever bill crosses the finish line, if any, must keep the Social Equity and Jobs Program intact, as voters intended. This critical program was created to utilize funds from recreational cannabis sales to help right the wrongs of harmful drug policies that disproportionately impacted Ohioans of color.

Ohio voters and communities deserve respect, not to have their decisions upended by lawmakers. Elected officials must put a stop to these efforts and protect Ohio’s current marijuana laws.

Jocelyn Rosnick,

Cleveland Heights

 Ohio voters and communities deserve respect, not to have their decisions on use of marijuana revenue upended by lawmakers, writes Jocelyn Rosnick of Cleveland Heights in a letter to the editor.  Read More  



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