A Missouri constitutional amendment lets counties stack marijuana sales tax on top of other municipal sales taxes on the same products, a Missouri county and the state’s director of revenue told an appeals court.

Amendment 3 states that “any local government” may impose a marijuana sales tax, indicating that multiple local governments—which could be both cities and counties—can place a levy, Buchanan County and Missouri Director of Revenue Wayne Wallingford said in a joint brief Wednesday.

The amendment also contains the phrase “additional sales tax,” suggesting that more than local marijuana sales tax may be authorized, according to the brief filed with the Missouri Western District Court of Appeals.

St. Joseph-based dispensary Vertical Enterprise LLC, which sued over …

 A Missouri constitutional amendment lets counties stack marijuana sales tax on top of other municipal sales taxes on the same products, a Missouri county and the state’s director of revenue told an appeals court. /quality/90/?url=http://bloomberg-bna-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com/5f/86/b0a34f2f42c99437ae368c8a33d0/360537262.jpg” title=”Stacked Marijuana Taxes Allowed in Missouri, Government Says” /> Read More  


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