
The Texas Senate approves a hemp ban to regulate the industry more strictly. A local shop owner said he’s concerned this will negatively impact his business.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Texas Senate passes its hemp ban, which gives stricter oversight on the industry.

Panacea owner Rene Pena said he’s concerned with what he sees as an overreach the Senate Bill 3 has on the hemp industry. 

“Our customer base is scared. Scared they’re going to lose their right to access this medicine,” he said.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said one of the reasons he supports the ban was the increasing number of youth coming into similar shops. However, Pena said that’s not the case.

“It’s not really the adolescents, it’s really grandma and grandpa that support our business,” he said.

House of Representatives District 34 rep Denise Villalobos she feels the companies do use vague advertising tactics to attract younger buyers.

“These drugs, THC, and others like it are in our homes and when unprotected laying around the house with children is not good,” she said.

Villalobos said the hemp industry needs stricter guidelines.

“It’s dangerous, they are susceptible to it. Prone to addiction and all those things and we want to put a stop to that,” she said. 

Pena said some of these protocols are already in place. 

“Most shops carry also tobacco products. So we’re already 21 and up. Everyone gets carded at our doors just like they would at a liquor store,” he said.

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