Texans are clinging to the closest thing they have to legal marijuana — hemp-derived consumables. And they won’t let the state alter its consumable hemp program without their voices being heard.

In April, the Texas Department of State Health Services began accepting comments from the public regarding the state’s consumable hemp program. The program allows for the sale of hemp-derived consumables, including edibles like gummies and flower, to be sold so long as they don’t contain more than .3% delta-9 THC on a dry-weight basis.

Of course, hemp has been around long before it was legalized in the United States by way of the 2018 Farm Bill. Even former President George Washington cultivated hemp at Mount Vernon. That’s because hemp has been around for more than 10,000 years. But it wasn’t until 1937 that the U.S. federal government passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made it illegal to produce marijuana and any plant type associated with the cannabis family — including hemp.

Since then, hemp industry advocates have been fighting for the plant. This brings us to 2024. Because the Texas Consumable Hemp Program must be reviewed every four years, Texas DSHS is assessing how the program is functioning and reviewing what changes, if any, should be made.

Texas DSHS received nearly 400 comments from the public regarding its 2024 review. LoneStarLive.com was able to access each comment through an open records request. Less than 1% of the comments the department received had a negative connotation, indicating Texans have no interest in taking a single step back in their fight for freedom of choice when it comes to hemp-derived THC.

Using generative AI, we found common themes amid the hundreds of responses. Here are the themes and the excerpts from notable comments submitted representing each.

Health and well-being benefits

Many comments highlight the significant health benefits of hemp-derived products, particularly in managing chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and various medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“Since discovering the benefits of hemp-derived CBD, I have become an advocate for its accessibility to all Texans. Countless individuals across our state, like myself, rely on hemp products to manage chronic conditions, alleviate pain, and improve overall well-being.”“I am a retired military veteran who has sacrificed a lot for this country, having served for over 22 years on active duty and completed five combat tours of duty. During my years of faithful service, I, along with my family, have suffered and sacrificed so much. I have many scars, some visible, others not. I tried Hometown Hero for the first time five years ago, after a recommendation from a fellow brother-in-arms. This company has been a lifesaver for me, allowing me to not only interact as a productive member of society again but also as a father and a husband. Their products have helped me with the many ‘demons’ I have. The joy has been brought back into my life again and I feel like that young adolescent man I once was before joining the service.”“I struggle to understand how this Ban would benefit anyone. This would be disastrous for Disabled Cancer patients such as myself. Delta-8, delta-9 gummy products & THCa, all helps me to keep from having convulsions, dizziness, brain fog, weight loss, all caused by my cancer medications. I will be taking this Medication for the rest of my life, causing me to have to retire due to health concerns. Hemp products are convenient to purchase on the internet, shipping from out of state. But I can also get them locally, from CBD shops. This helps the local economy. These are the only products that help me & that I can afford.”

Economic impact and job security

Several comments discuss how the hemp industry provides economic stability and job security for business owners and employees. It is mentioned that any restrictive changes could lead to business closures and loss of livelihoods.

“Our business is built on the cornerstone of providing responsible and beneficial hemp options to those in our community. Any restrictions or potential changes to hemp-derived products in Texas will most likely result in our permanent closure. Ten human beings and their families would be negatively impacted.”“Hemp and cannabis should both be legal. Otherwise you will continue to see state revenue funneled to legal states.”“As a fellow business owner in the retail hemp industry, I am reaching out to highlight the importance of protecting hemp laws in Texas and to discuss potential collaboration opportunities to advocate for these vital regulations … This industry isn’t just a passion for me; it puts food on my table and sustains the livelihoods of six other dedicated employees, with plans to grow our team by double in 2024. Our success is deeply intertwined with the regulatory framework that governs our operations. Thus, ensuring the protection and advancement of hemp laws is not only essential for the growth of our businesses but also for the well-being of our employees and their families.”

Personal testimonials and advocacy

Many individuals share personal stories about how hemp products have positively transformed their lives, advocating for the continuation and accessibility of these products.

“Navigating life with fibromyalgia has been a series of trials, but hemp-derived CBD has illuminated a path of relief that I hadn’t previously imagined. Its capacity to alleviate my chronic pain while sparing me the unwanted side effects of conventional medications has been nothing short of transformative.”“Delta-9/CBD has significantly reduced the chronic pain I experience due to severe arthritis in my shoulders. I was getting steroid injections every 4 months which over time can further injure the joints. With the delta-9 products, I live a more productive life with minimal pain. PLEASE keep this product available.”“This is a valuable resource that has greatly improved my ability to cope with PTSD. Restricting access would force those like me into becoming criminals in order to have access to these products made legal by the farm bill. The majority of Texans and Americans feel that these products should be regulated, taxed and legal. Prohibition does not work.”“Hello, I just want to comment and say that the idea of restricting THC derived from hemp is barbaric and is anti-freedom. The idea that a simple plant could be kept away from the people is wild.”

Safety and Regulation Concerns

A recurring theme is the need for reasonable regulation to ensure the quality and safety of hemp products. Consumers emphasize that regulated and legal products are safer than illegal alternatives, which might be harmful. Yet, some pinpointed how regulations could — and should — be increased.

“Our customers feel a sense of security knowing they can get all types of hemp-derived cannabinoids that have been tested and proven to be free of harmful toxins and the deadly fentanyl. Any restrictive changes to the current rules would negatively impact our customers’ safety.”“I work at a local business that sells legal forms of cannabis. We are very strict about verifying the Certificate of Analysis for every product that we use in our store. We’ve even called the testing company to verify that the forms matched to the organization/product … Consumers use these products to keep themselves off of prescription medications that can be harmful, dangerous, and even addicting … We not only support our local community, we faithfully pay taxes. We are all for regulation. We card each and every customer who walks through our doors. We stress and have even refused to do business with companies that could not provide us with legitimate paperwork.”“Please consider placing age restrictions on consumable hemp products. These psychoactive products are a danger to our youth. FDA recommends keeping these products out of the reach of children. It would be an appropriate rule amendment to prohibit those under 21 years of age from purchasing these intoxicating products. 2. Through CHP license registration please consider prohibiting hemp consumable sales in on-premise, alcohol licensed locations.”“To date, most of the regulations in our hemp legislation have been crafted and promoted by entities within the cannabis industry. While these entities are knowledgeable in the products they sell, they are fundamentally most concerned with making profits. As stated in the current rule, ‘The rules must be consistent with the overall goals of ensuring safe, legal, and regulated hemp products in Texas.’ To that end, the review and revision process must engage public health experts, physicians, and health researchers over individuals with business interests in the cannabis industry.” Hemp advocates in Texas are sounding the alarm on the state’s consumable hemp program.  Read More  
